Combat Robotics

Starting 2021, Slugbotics has a new sub-team focusing on Combat robotics competitions.


Slugger is our first robot created to compete in the NRL Sacramento Bot Battles regional competition. We learned valuable information about how to create and plan to build a battle bot and it helped shaped our expectations for the future.

We were successfully able to compete in the 2022 Sacramento Bot Battles and fight 2 teams there. One team we beat was Team Flagship from UCLA. Here is a youtube video of the competition!

We will use everything we have learned from this year’s competition and advice we have received to build a better bot in the future!

Record Scratch

Record Scratch was the second combat robot we created. It was a 3lb robot made using Carbon Fiber, Glass reinforced Nylon, and TPU. We used everything we learned from our previous competition to build this robot better than slugger. This was made to compete in a combat robotics tournument hosted by UCLA.

We were so successful that we won 2nd place in the competition


We are always looking for sponsors to help drive our innovation and education! If you are interested in sponsoring us, please feel free to contact